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Livescore this!!!

June 21, 2008

it saturday evening, holland is playing russia in the Euro 2008 soccer championship and the score is 1-1. I know that bcos i just checked the livescore website bcos im too lazy to walk up to the common room which is probably +3000 degrees hot due to the fans that insist on sharing one common room when we have at least three. The airconditioning unit is probably begging for an a.c for itself due to the stuffiness of the place.

What hurts my balls about this football watching phenomenon are the super intelligent arguments and debates that occur after these matches. Its not so much the matches on the national level, its the premiership which spread across the nation like a wildfire on heat. These folks dont know shit when it comes to argumentative essay writing or essay writing at all but they become Ph.D holders in Football science after each match. You keep hearing shit like "He played objective football"  WTF is objective football? is there subjective, normative or casual football? Dont get me wrong, i hate watching football, but i freakin love this Pro Evolution Soccer 08 that i'm playin right now. Quite simply it rules (FIFA 08 fans can...


Tags: livescore

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