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You're Here? I rule so much

Hey guys, its me Sirrax. First things first i'm no 1 and you're not so deal with it. Secondly i'm currently on my way towards graduating from the American University of Nigeria Summa cum laude and once again you're not so deal with it. I love my parental units more than i love myself and you dont so once again launch yourself into the wall with a cannon. Anyways, this just goes to show how unique and how much of a superhero i am, compared to you guys and therefore your opinions on my opinions dont count for much in this little section of the universe i've carved out for myself. I'm nigerian, have ripped abs and is generally buff as is expected of all heroes aspiring to be in my caliber.

Not gay. Loves games and just generally being a dickhead. What separates me from other heroes is the fact that im actually a ninja who's actually a pirate who's actually a farmer/businessman with a genius I.Q. of 180.

Beat that if u can.

Enjoy ur visit to my site.

Site Updates

O.k so this is where i begin to air my frustrations, romances, pet peeves, accomplishments, random stuff and general chatting of shit that mean the world to you. Seriously, it would do you a lot of good to meditate on these b4 you crawl up in your double bunk to sleep at night.

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How did the dinosaurs really become extinct?

According to this accurate depiction of the Cretaceous Period that I found at the supermarket,
dinosaurs went extinct because they all turned gay.